10th November 2019 – Ickworth
It barely seems like yesterday we were uncovering the dahlias in the walled garden at Ickworth; in fact it was six months ago, and this weekend it was time to put them to bed for the winter again. This year Ickworth have decided to lift the dahlias rather than leaving them in the ground. This way the tubers can be inspected and split and removed if necessary, with the aim of producing high quality plants for next year.
We cut off the plants, lifted the tubers, then cleaned off the soil. All of the tubers were lifted, and many were washed, but also a lot of them were put in the greenhouse to be washed the following day by the Monday Ickworth volunteers.
Well done to everyone for working hard to get so much done. Only another 6 months before we put them back in the ground!
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