28th August 2022 – Orford Ness
Our task this week was on Orford Ness where we worked with Karen, a new ranger to the site who had been brought in essentially to research the rapid decline of the lesser black backed gull. On this occasion she worked with us to help remove some of the box tree moth larvae which has been taking residence and invading areas on the site. They’d chosen the blackberry and bramble bushes as their host plants and the caterpillars had spun cobweb-like webbing over their feeding area which we endeavoured to remove. We also cleared areas of the all invasive ragwort which had become very dry and parched in the recent hot weather with many plants already turning to seed.
A tour of the pagodas was a welcome treat for those new to the site at the end of the day.
Many thanks to the small group who worked hard in the sunshine and for those who contributed to the album